Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was reading over my old posts, and noticed my elation with iron in my first post. Well, dear followers, that elation was short-lived. It was not the iron that was giving me a boost - it was one of 2 (maybe both) things - either eliminating dairy or being obsessive about my carb intake. I have slowly let dairy and carbs back into my life and it has not been pretty. It is time for drastic measures. Tomorrow (yikes, tomorrow!!) I will be starting a detox. Because I have, over the past 3.5 years particularly, failed miserably with every diet I have tried, I am really worried about this. This is worse than a diet. This is no sugar, wheat, dairy, peanuts, red meat, spelt (like that's a real sacrifice!!), citrus and probably other things I am forgetting for 2 weeks, while I take supplements that will make me feel really bad for a few days. Sigh. But, let's get to the bright side. I've recently developed allergies (to what, I don't actually know) so severe that I have to carry an epi-pen. I have acne rosacea. I have food allergies that bloat me to the point I look about 6 months pregnant. If I eat certain foods, I feel like my stomach is on fire and I get so sleepy that no matter what is going on, I must sleep. Oh wait, here is the bright side: the detox and subsequent eating and supplement plan should help with all that. It will make a very big difference to my training if that can happen, because I will feel better, lose weight (still just as circular as I was when I started this blog) and my cardio fitness will improve immensely.

I had considered putting this off for a few days until after Alyssa's birthday party, but I think the party (and a couple other social commitments) will be a good distraction for me. Of Alyssa's six birthdays, this will be the third one where I won't be able to eat any cake! I hope that for Alyssa's 7th birthday, and every one after that, I can eat a reasonable portion of cake because all of this health and diet nonsense will be a thing of the past!

I'd appreciate any encouragement any of you can throw my way! Again, I have not been able to lose any signficant amount of weight for quite a long time. Researching food allergies, and knowing that I have issues with glucose tolerance has made it a little easier, to be a little easier on myself. Just going on a diet doesn't work for me any more since certain foods, like I said, make me feel really bad and make me want to eat more (I know that doesn't make sense, it is very hard to explain - and I'm still not completely clear about which foods do it, which is why I need to do an elimination diet - I'll be reintroducing foods starting on day 10).

In other news, the world's greatest husband (no, not Mr. Jolie), bought me a gift card to buy a heart rate monitor. I think it is pretty awesome!!! I got to walk really slow yesterday, and Denise couldn't try to kill me or my beautiful HRM would start beeping at her!! Now, my team mate Jorge has burst my bubble that I can walk slow forever by saying the HRM won't accept that kind of nonsense for long, darn. One perk of my detox is that I can take it easy on the exercise for the next week or so. But, you know, I am actually getting to that point where I feel weird if I don't exercise. I just thought people said that to be cool, but it's actually true. I am so not cool, so you can all totally believe me!! This is one wacky journey I signed up for!

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